How do you stop a Node.js server in Linux?

To stop a Node.js server running on a Linux system, you can use a few methods depending on how the server was started:

  1. Keyboard Shortcut: If you started the server manually in the terminal using a keyboard shortcut like Ctrl + C, this will typically stop the server and return you to the command prompt.

  2. Process ID (PID): If the Node.js server is running in the background or as a daemon and you have its process ID, you can use the kill command with the process ID. For instance:

     bashCopy codekill <PID>

    Replace <PID> with the actual process ID of your Node.js server.

  3. Using pkill or killall: If you have multiple Node.js processes running and want to stop them all, you can use pkill or killall followed by the process name. For example:

     bashCopy codepkill node


     bashCopy codekillall node

    This will terminate all processes named "node".

Remember, using kill or pkill without caution might forcibly terminate processes. It's essential to ensure you're stopping the correct process to avoid unintended consequences.