How can you tell if a website is built with Java or PHP?
Differentiating between a website built with Java or PHP requires looking into specific indicators:
URL Extensions: URLs ending with .jsp or .jspx might indicate a Java-based website, while .php extensions generally signify a PHP-based site. However, modern frameworks might abstract these extensions.
Page Source: Inspecting the page source may reveal server-side code or comments that indicate the language used.
Server Headers: Examining the server response headers might disclose the server technology being used. Tools like cURL or browser extensions can help retrieve this information.
Framework or CMS Clues: Some Java frameworks (like Spring) or PHP-based CMS platforms (like WordPress, Drupal) often leave traces in the code or meta tags, which can hint at the underlying technology.
Error Pages: Default error pages or messages might mention the server technology, offering a clue.
Response to Specific Requests: Sometimes, requesting specific resources or accessing particular URLs might trigger server responses that reveal the technology stack.
BuiltWith or Wappalyzer: Online tools like BuiltWith or browser extensions like Wappalyzer can analyze websites and provide insights into the technology stack used.